John Deere 4010 diesel with or without a jd 48 loader with grapple. 2 scvs. No 3 point. 540 pto. Syncro. Very good rubber all the way around. Not a very nice looking tractor by any means but it works great. Tach hasnt worked for as long as Ive had it so I have no idea of the hours. Ive always just serviced it once and year and go with it Ive used this tractor mainly for pulling a 16 wheel v rake for about 10 years now. Also had it on sickle mower and brush mower. This tractor sits all winter and starts right up in the spring every year. 6000 or make me an offer. The worst I can say is no. The loader can go with it if someone would also want it. 8000 with loader.