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Subject: Protest Against Adoption of Resolution for Street Rehabilitation 2025
Mandan, ND
Event Dates
9/5/2024 to 9/9/2024

Watching: 3
Views: 122
Volunteers needed to help get signatures.

Please call to help stop homeowners from being charged specials. We need to turn in by September 9th. We have letters typed up. Just need your name, address and signature. If you send in your own letter, please call me to let me know. Thank you neighbors.

Subject: Protest Against Adoption of Resolution for Street Rehabilitation 2025 (Project Number 2025-01)

We, the undersigned homeowner(s) within the improvement district, hereby file this written protest against the adoption of the resolution for the City of Mandans Street Rehabilitation 2025 project (Project Number 2025-01).

This collective letter follows the following statutes located at NDCC Section 40-22-17 - Protest against resolution of necessity it states in part that, ... the owners of any property within the improvement district file written protests describing the property which is the subject of the protest with the city auditor protesting against the adoption of said resolution and Section 40-22-18 - Protest bar to proceeding - Invalid or insufficient protests - Payment of costs - Tax levy states in part, If the governing body finds the protests to contain the names of the owners of a majority of the area of the property included within the improvement district, the protests shall be a bar against proceeding with any special assessment for the improvement project. If the governing body finds the protests to contain the names of the owners of a majority of any separate property area included within the district, the protests shall be a bar against proceeding with special assessments to be assessed in whole or in part upon property within the area, but shall not bar against proceeding with the improvement project or assessing the cost thereof against other areas within the district, unless the protests represent a majority of the area of the entire district. If the protests represent a majority of the area of the entire district, the protests bar any special assessment for the improvement project. ..

In light of the short time frame to submit said letters, we are sending this collective letter to expediate the process and to ensure that our concerns and protests are heard and considered in a timely manner.

We collectively object to this project for the following reasons:

Reasons for Protest:

1. Financial Burden: The proposed project will impose a significant financial burden on the homeowners within the improvement district. The cost of the project is disproportionate to the benefits received.

2. Lack of Transparency: There has been insufficient communication and transparency regarding the projects scope, timeline, and cost estimates. Homeowners have not been adequately informed or consulted.

3. Alternative Solutions: We believe there are more cost-effective and less disruptive alternatives to the proposed street rehabilitation that should be considered.

4. Elderly on Fixed Incomes: Many residents within the improvement district are elderly and living on fixed incomes. The financial impact of this project would be particularly burdensome for them.

5. Recent Chip and Seal Work: Several areas within the proposed project zone have already undergone chip and seal work recently. Additional rehabilitation in these areas seems unnecessary and redundant.

6. Prioritization of Needs: There are other sections of Mandan that are in more urgent need of street repair. Allocating resources to those areas would be a more effective use of city funds and efforts.

7. Unnecessary Planned Improvements: The planned improvements, including segments of chip seal, patching, mill and overlay, full depth reconstruction, and other related work, are unnecessary in many areas. These areas are currently in good condition and do not require such extensive work.

8. Disruption to Residents: The proposed project will cause significant disruption to the daily lives of residents within the improvement district. The noise, dust, and traffic disruptions associated with the planned improvements will negatively impact the quality of life for homeowners.

9. Environmental Impact: The extensive construction work planned for the project will have a negative environmental impact, including increased air and noise pollution.

We respectfully and collectively request that the City of Mandan reconsider the adoption of the resolution for Project Number 2025-01 and explore alternative solutions that address the concerns of the homeowners within the improvement district.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.



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