Black Collar Arms Pork Sword in 22-250
Bismarck, ND

Condition: Used
Seller Type: Private Seller
Watching: 3
Views: 321
Tossing around the idea of selling my Black Collar Arms Pork Sword chambered in 22-250. This is an extremely neat and different gun. It has an aftermarket handmade Defiance action (if you've never heard of them this is the best of the best actions out there and extremely tight tolerances). It also has a triggertech trigger, 10" short barrell, and the pork sword chassis. I found an opportunity to get something I have been eyeing for years. If it's gone before this sells I'm not looking to sell anymore.

I would possibly consider trades for a higher end stacatto, Kimber 2k11, etc., or maybe something else. Please text as that's the best way to get a hold of me.


Guns & EquipmentRifle
Rifle TypeBolt-Action

Suggested Listings

User profile imageKyle
*May Accept Trades